Ako na Alpha Kanál (Strom)
Ako na alpha kanál
Tak najprv si z nejakej fotky vystrihneme strom, asi takto.
Potom si v malovani invertujeme farby a ulozžíme ako ďalšiu texturu napr. stromAlfa.bmp
Dostaneme toto
A postupujeme zase tak isto ako pri plote. Urobíme si box o určitýh rozmeroch ale s nulovou hrúbkou, pridáme texturu strom a v Opacity si pridáme alfa kanál. A dostaneme toto.
Autor návodu: Tomáš Kubeník
Prehľad komentárov
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What Will I Get ?
C# developers who want to use Azure as platform.
Developers who want to get familiar with Azure platform.
Development knowledge on C# and .NET programming
Hands-on on Visual Studio, Good Internet Connection
Following are the labs covered in 8 hours: -
Lab 1: - Azure, Cloud, SAAS, PAAS and IAAS.
Lab 2: - SQL Server on Azure (DTU & EDTU)
Lab 3: - Azure Functions.
Lab 4: - Azure storage (Blobs, Table, File and Queue).
Lab 5: - Azure Cosmos DB.
Lab 6: - Microservices & Azure Fabric in 90 Minutes.
Lab 7: - Azure tables, Partition and Row keys.
Lab 8: - Block blobs, Append blobs & Page blobs.
Lab 9: - Azure Queues , visibility timeouts ,Peek & De-Queue.
Lab 10: - App services and Cloud services
Lab 11: - WebJob and background processing
Lab 12: - Azure DevOps Using Azure Pipleline.
Lab 13: - Micro Services Using Docker And Azure.
Lab 14: - Virtual Network (Vnet) And Network Security Groups (Nsg).
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